Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Drama Bahasa Inggris

Waktu kelas 9 semester satu, ada tugas bahasa Inggris yaitu drama. Satu kelompok kira kira 5 orang. Aku masuk ke kelompok ‘sisa’ bareng Febi, Aziz, Itang, sama Hafiz. Aku bilang kelompok ‘sisa’ karena orang orang yang sekelompok itu gak masuk pada saat pembagian kelompok. Jadi yang lain udah punya kelompok sendiri, cewek sama cewek, cowok sama cowok. Dan kebetulan yang gak masuk pada hari itu ada 5 orang dan akhirnya 5 orang yang gak masuk itu jadi sekelompok deh.. Hahaha.. Tema yang kami pilih yaitu tentang perang di Palestina. Ini ceritanya....
Aziz : Orang Indonesia yang ikut perang di Palestina
Febi : Adiknya Aziz, ikut ke Palestina bareng Aziz
Itang : Orang Palestina
Hafiz : Tentara Israel
Dea : Adiknya Aziz, Narator

One day in Indonesia, there are two person who want to help the war against Israel in Palestine. Their name are Aziz and Febi.
Aziz : Dea, Febi and me want to go to Palestine, we want to help the victims and the war
Febi : Please, take care the house
Dea : Are you sure?
Febi : Yes, take care of yourself
Dea : Okay, I hope you are still well until going back to home and win the war
Then, Aziz and Febi went directly to Palestine.
Febi : How poor they are..
Aziz : Yes, I hope they are still alive when we arrived there
Aziz and Febi arrive in Palestine, and go to the war
Itang : I kill you Israel!!
Hafiz : Haha... you’re very weak
Itang : Even I am weak, I’m diligent
Hafiz : Haha... you’ve got to be kidding
Itang : Let’s prove it

Then, Palestine and Israel started the war, the both were strong, but Israel’s army were too strong, Palestine can’t handle the attack of Israel’s army.

When Palestine has no hope to win the war, suddenly, the army of Indonesia come to help the Palestine’s army. Then Febi helped the victims of Israel’s violence.

Aziz : Who are you!?
Hafiz : I’m the major of Israel’s army
Aziz : I kill you then...
Hafiz : Try it if you can
Indonesia and Israel start to attacking, and then.....
Hafiz : I feel I’m wrong
Aziz : You are very cruel, I hope Allah SWT sinking you at sea of blood in hell, do you have any last word, major?
Hafiz : What a tough guy!
Finally, Aziz kill the Israel’s major, Israel’s soldier running away from the war. After the war is over, Indonesia have a good relationship with Palestine. Palestine’s people live happy ever after.

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